Well, I've wanted to do a post for quite a while on bread baking, so I suppose today's the day! For many years now I have been grinding my own wheat into our every day flour...for ALL our baking needs. I haven't bought store bought bread of any type for so long I don't remember. Initially, I started researching and realized the health benefits. So, I invested in an electric grinder, bought 50 lbs. of wheat and began my journey.
I make all our bread....of every sort.
Although we still love the health benefits from eating fresh ground whole wheat, we've truly come to love the taste.
Last night, my fifteen year old had a couple of buddies over, so that's three large teenage boys, my husband, my daughter and myself. I made a batch of dough, and out of that dough, I made a large batch of bread sticks, two large pizzas, and two loaves of bread.
The boys very very happy:)
Ignore that dirty oven:(
Almost all pizza devoured in a short amount of time:)))
Although it is quite an investment up front, over the long run, making bread from scratch is very economical, and oh so yummy!!!! If you've never researched it, I would highly reccomend it, you'll probably be surprised what all you find out. Have a lovely evening sisters!!