I love her dearly, however, she is a very wee little loom. I turned out many a lovely scarf on this loom, but my eyeballs got bigger and before you knew it, I was longing for a bigger...."real" loom. I will always keep this wee loom, but let me show you what the big girls use.
This, my friends, is my "new to me" Norwood 4-harness floor loom. To serious weavers, this is still a small loom, but to me, this is serious business.
Isn't she just lovely with her awesome warp on? That's intense let me tell you. Until you study looms and their workings, you can't imagine the intricacy they entail. This warp was 432 epi...that's 432 little threads that go through all those reed eyes and heddles...one at a time. It was so worth it.
Can't wait to see the finished project!!
Amazing...all the things out there to be learned. I want to learn it all!!!
Thankful for what I can learn.
Blessings friends