Shine's Thyme

Daily ramblings of a ridiculously happy housewife and mother. Come in and see how sweet life can be!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Simple

 I found this today at a most lovely blog. Anita at Castles, Crowns, and Cottages has such a beautiful place to stop by and visit. She has lots to look at and ponder, but I thought this to be simply....adequate. Have a most blessed evening dear friends.~~~Shine~~~


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I love love this list!!
Do have a happy Thursday, I know I will xxx

Deborah said...

Thats a wonderful list Shine..
and a wonderful are you to me.
So glad you enjoyed your visit with Anita :)

Deborah xoxo

podso said...

Great list. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I was rereading your "about me" and it sounds so much like what I would write about myself ... except I only homeschooled for about 10 years (two kids) and we've been married longer. I want to try your soup and the bread looks good, only I got rid of my dutch oven recently because it was a-l-u-m-i-n-u-m.
hmmm...I wonder if there is another way.

podso said...

Oh dear I now see where I made the comment that I thought I had made. Sorry for the mental "lapse." :-)

The Charm of Home said...

Very true. Just think if we all practiced this every day. What a wonderful world we would be. :)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I hope you are having a lovely day, Shine. Just had to read this list one more time ^_~