Shine's Thyme

Daily ramblings of a ridiculously happy housewife and mother. Come in and see how sweet life can be!

Friday, April 20, 2012

What's Your Pleasure?

I have been a bit obsessed lately. I have been spinning every moment that isn't taken, and when I'm not spinning....I'm thinking about spinning...what I'm gonna spin next....what I'm going to make when I get this spun or that spun. How I can possibly spin any finer....faster? I'm really working on trying to spin FINER. Here's my latest treasure from my stash. I wanted to see how tight my twist was...I'm always thinking that I have way too much twist or not near enough twist.....sooooooo.....I spun up some pink singles and then some ecru...then spun them together.

I LOVE it! This yarn actually made me feel like I have hope...I actually might be able to produce some great yarn. I'm already planning for this cute yarn to transform itself into a cute little beret for Anna with a sweet little flower on the side:) YAY!!! Feeling REALLY good girls:) And.....while I'm tootin' my own horn here, I might as well show you what else has been on the wheel as of late.
 Here's just a big pile of my first yarns. That cute pink went to a dear friend for her birthday and is now a short little cowl scarf that will be worn with a pin.
 Lovelies all lined up:)
 Learning how to spin things other than "art yarn":)
 Beautiful red singles turn into beautiful two-ply.

 A not so great shot of the red and candy-stripe in the drying process.
Lastly, a picture of a beautiful walking wheel I found and could not pass by. Thinking I will probably let this wheel go on to someone else, but she is a beauty and I am very much enjoying her gracing my view:)
Hope I didn't keep you too long ladies......
Wishing you all a most lovely evening.....
With much love and affection~~

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New and FABULOUS blog!

Found a new and AWESOME blog that is having an unbelievable give away!! You've got to pop in and say hello to Rayanne. She has a lovely spirit and THREE beautiful blogs. Her give away is one of the most generous I have seen. CUTE spring boots..or if you fancy...a gift certificate to Victorian Trading Company!
Click here to go straight there and see what she has, or, you can click on her button on my sidebar. Here's just one of the sweet options.
         Have a most blessed evening sweet friends. Much love....Shine