Shine's Thyme

Daily ramblings of a ridiculously happy housewife and mother. Come in and see how sweet life can be!

Friday, June 15, 2012

I don't know what happened....really!!

Two years ago we remodeled several rooms in our house. Our living room, son #3's bedroom and last but not least, my studio. Here I blogged about the living room and my closing sentence was something like...can't wait to show you my studio! didn't happen. We remodeled it, but I just never revealed it. Never was really satisfied with it, don't think I ever would be. And then two years passed by. Hard to believe, but true. Today I was forced to give the room a good cleaning so I snapped a few pictures and thought well......this is as good a time as any. 
Here is a picture of the room just before we started on it.'s my new crafting room.
I feel so blessed to have this space. Girls, you just don't know. Before we moved here, I did all my sewing, crafting on our dining room table which was in our tiny living, dining combo.
Now... I have so much room, I almost feel guilty!
I use every inch of this space.
Not only am I very thankful for this space, but also for the things God has placed in my heart to accomplish, to pass down to the next generation. 
So sorry for the delay in this  posting, but I suppose it's better late than never!!! :)
Have a most blessed week-end!!
With much love and affection~~Shine


Deborah said...

WoW! Shin, this is a beautiful room!
You have lots of space to create in there and it looks lovely too!
I thank God for all the gifts He has given blessed you are my sweet friend!!!

In His love,
Deborah xoxo

Wall-to-wall books said...

I looooove your craft room! I am so jealous!