Shine's Thyme

Daily ramblings of a ridiculously happy housewife and mother. Come in and see how sweet life can be!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer's End

Summer is going by mighty fast girls. 
                              Seems like it just began, yet here it is, time for school to start again.
That's the way it is with life. Time keeps moving...cycles keep turning. The flowers are so lovely,but soon they will turn colors...fall and then be bare...again.
I do love the changes. I love each season....and I am so thankful when each one comes in it's turn...just as was promised so many years ago.
Tomorrow I'll pull out the new school books and new stories will unfold. New challenges. I do believe I shall cut some summer flowers and take in the summer smells inside..
Blessings sweet friends~~Shine


Deborah said...

How true Shine. I think I'm going to linger in the summer~feeling as long as the season will allow me to.
:) Beautiful shots of my favourite time of year. Funny, I used to love autumn best...we change though don't we? Just like the seasons.
I spent the morning with my son overlooking our lake and enjoying the lapping sounds of the water and just loving the fresh air!
Blessings sweet friend xoxo

Deborah xoxo

Delisa said...

Hello Shine! What a beautiful post. Your pictures are so beautiful. Where I grew up in California, school always started in the middle of September. I always feel so nostalgic and begin longing for Autumn as September approaches. I love the first sweater day of the year! When the air in the afternoon is brisk and crisp like a fresh apple. I start dreaming of pumpkin bread, homemade soup, warm socks and wool scarves. :) Have a lovely weekend ahead! Delisa :)