Shine's Thyme

Daily ramblings of a ridiculously happy housewife and mother. Come in and see how sweet life can be!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year dear friends. I pray that this will be such a beautiful year for each and every one of you. That you will discover your dreams and all your most lovely wishes will come true.
Spring will be here soon, and as my sweet daughter says, it's only 358 days till Christmas!!!
Blessing to you all~~~Much love~~~~Shine


Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Happy New Year to you! Only 358 days? I better get busy! LOL

matty said...

So glad you dropped by Lazy Bee today! What lovely photos to remind us that we are one day closer to spring! We are near Mouth of Wilson, VA -- not far from us at all!

Ashley said...

Wow! She's already counting down? :-) Happy New Year to you guys!