Shine's Thyme

Daily ramblings of a ridiculously happy housewife and mother. Come in and see how sweet life can be!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Still Learning

Even after over a year of blogging, I am still having trouble figuring things out...BUT!!!! I am learning!!!! For instance.....I've learned how to change's pretty good for me! my header, how in the world can I move my blog title around? Then also, I can't seem to get my pictures and captions just right. Sometimes they turn out fine, then sometimes they are really funky. Oh well....I've learned alot and I guess I'll continue to plug away at it till I figure it out! In the meantime....Santa brought me a shiny new Nikon. (Yipee yipee!)So.....when I learn how to use that, I will be in business!!! Happy Holidays everybody!!! Hope Santa was good to all of you!!

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